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The Louvre


The front of the Louvre, with the famous I.M Pei glass oddity entrance.

An 'arty' shot through I.M. Pei's oddball entrance.

Prometheus, waiting for the eagles to come for their daily meal.

A giant Goddess Athena, wearing another god's theater mask. Early Greek post-modernism?

'Alright, whoever threw that is in soooo much trouble.'

Hermaphrodite, with everything you need for a good Saturday night.

The crowds dwarfing the Venus De Milo.

I'm told it was a quiet day at the Mona Lisa. I couldn't tell through my telephoto lens.

The GIANT painting of Napoleon crowning himself emperor, while the pope looks irritated.

The Odalisque, a kind of upscale medusa whose gaze transforms men into precious jewels.


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