Q: People from Glasgow are called Glaswegians, but what do you call people who live in Edinburgh?
A: Australians.No, I'm not fucking around here (even though it's my joke). What do you call someone from Edinburgh? For my entire length of time living in Edinburgh, I kept asking everyone I could find who could possibly know. No one who lives in Edinburgh seems to know, unless they're keeping it a closely guarded secret. Maybe you have to live here for years, and you finally know you're an [unknown word for Edinburgh resident] when someone finally says, "Oh, by the way, we're [U.W.f.E.R]s."
In the meantime, my friends and I tried to come up with words to call them. One friend was preferable to "Edinburgundians," but it sounded like something out of Gulliver's Travels to me, so I settled on the safer and more pedestrian "Edinburgheranitegains," trying to cover all the bases by putting all the "resident of this city" suffixes I could into one word.
That should cover it.
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