Rules for Traveling with Stu
- Let him use the map. He takes full responsibility if it gets you lost, but will become a nervous wreck if he doesn't at least think he knows where you're going.
- Don't remind him of the times you've been lost.
- Don't wake him up, no matter how late it is, unless he specifically asked you to.
- Don't expect him to be happy in the morning.
- Once awake, be ready to leave as soon as possible. Daylight's a wasting!
- The correct response to "Where do you want to go/eat/etc?" is not, "I don't know, you choose." When things go wrong, which they will, Stu does not want to be shouldered with the primary responsibility for that.
- You will stop in every bookstore you pass (except for Christian bookstores).
- Murphy's Law, Stu's Collorary: If something can go wrong with the travel vehicle, it will. (This is actually a good thing. Travel disasters accrue karmically, so it is best to bleed off the karma before it gathers to "fatal" level.
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