Stanley Poindexter, spokesperson for geeks and dorks around the world, announced yesterday that watching Japanese animation, known as anime has replaced the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons as the top group activity for geeks and dorks worldwide.
Studies from leading experts in geekology announced that the shift from D&D to anime does not mark a change in the attitudes of geeks and dorks, but rather a broadening of opportunities. Poindexter explained, “For the last couple decades, dorks and geeks have had relatively few opportunities to express their fundamental anti-social mindset. But the advent of Japanese anime reaching American shores has allowed these rejects to express themselves more completely.”
Poindexter pointed to the abundance of animated breasts and weird alien sex as a deciding factor in favor of anime over D&D. “Although breasts and sex were available in D&D, it existed only in the minds of those participating in the game. Plus, there’s always something awkward about role-playing sex with a group of pimply guys. Plus, ‘Akira’ f---ing rocks.”
Despite the shift in geek and dork activity, Poindexter admitted that nerds still prefer sitting in their room by themselves reading.
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