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    BACK TO DRINKING. Isn't that such a lovely phrase?

How Drunk Are You?

"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." A witty, albeit glib, comment from Dean Martin, to be sure. But it's not precisely useful for judging multiple levels of unsobriety for those who aren't quite ready to grab fistfuls of floor, but still shouldn't be performing major or minor surgery, flying airplanes, or going to the fifteen minute chapel with that nice girl who you just met.

Through extensive research, I've been working at compiling a list of signs that you are drunk, trying to gauge the precise different and quantifiable levels. This is a science experiment, and I'm going about it dispassionately. More indications are always welcome, you can send them to loki814@hotmail.com. Eventually, if I get the time, I will be putting a score value to each sign, but for now, I'm just going to list them.

    BACK TO DRINKING. Isn't that such a lovely phrase?

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Last updated on 11 May, 2001. Needs more research.

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Please send notice of all criticisms, complaints, broken links, adulations, compliments, death threats, and suggestions to loki814@hotmail.com or ICQ# 2649564.