Ylva's Goodbye Party, Pt. One, Two, and Three Soundtrack:
Part One: "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer and "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice
Part Two: None
Part Three: "Ticket to Ride" and "Yesterday" by the Beatles
A perfect couple. Ger's eyes glow with demonic power, while Annica prepares to spin her head around.
Okay. The sooner we put this to rest, the better. This never happened. This is someone just mucking around with Photoshop, and I never went out into public looking like this on Ylva's Goodbye Party, pt. 1. Never happened. So just forget about it.
Shit. Okay. Plan two. I was drunk.
Reeeeeeally drunk. Right?
Fuck. Okay, so this NEVER happened.
See. No makeup on at all. Told you it never happened.
Please send all criticisms, complaints, broken links, money orders adulations, compliments, death threats, and suggestions to loki814@hotmail.com or ICQ# 2649564.